St Michael's Church is a very active church. We gather together to worship God who is creator, redeemer and sustainer. We also have many weekly groups running in and around our church building to connect with our wonderful Waddington community. You can find out more on the respective webpages.

1st - Wild Church 2pm

2nd - Holy Communion 10.30am; Come & Sing 3.30pm

3rd - Warm Welcome Space 10am - 4pm; Alpha Course 7pm

4th - Dementia Adventurers 10am - 12pm; Contemplative Fire 7pm

5th - Prayer Wave (online) 9.30am; Hope in Loss Group 6pm - 8pm

6th - Little Stars 10am - 11.30am; Wellbeing Drop-In at Redwood  Drive 11am - 1pm

8th - Coffee Morning 10.30am - 12pm

9th - Big Breakfast Church 8.30am; Holy Communion 10.30am;  Evening Prayer 3.30pm

10th - Warm Welcome Space 10am - 4pm; Alpha Course 7pm

11th - Prayer Walking 11am; Dementia Adventurers 10am - 12pm;  Discoverers 3.30pm - 4.15pm

12th - Prayer Wave (online) 9.30am

13th - Little Stars 10am - 11.30am; Wellbeing Drop-In at Redwood Drive 11am - 1pm

14th - ‘The Crew’ 10am - 12pm

16th - Morning Worship 10.30am; Said Communion 3.30pm

17th - Warm Welcome Space 10am - 4pm; Alpha Course 7pm

18th - Dementia Adventurers 10am - 12pm

19th - Prayer Wave (online) 9.30am; Hope in Loss Group 6pm - 8pm

20th - Little Stars 10am - 11.30am; Wellbeing Drop-In at Redwood Drive 11am - 1pm

23rd - Big Breakfast Church 8.30am; Holy Communion 10.30am; Evening Prayer 3.30pm

24th - Warm Welcome Space 10am - 4pm; Alpha Course 7pm

25th - Dementia Adventurers 10am - 12pm; Discoverers 3.30pm - 4.15pm

26th - Prayer Wave (online) 9.30am; Bible Book Club 7pm

27th - Little Stars 10am - 11.30am; Wellbeing Drop-In at Redwood Drive 11am - 1pm

28th - ‘The Crew’ 10am - 12pm