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Worship is the heart beat of all we do at St Michael's Church. Worship helps us to recognise who God really is. As Christians the full purpose of our lives is to praise God. We gather together to worship God who is creator, redeemer and sustainer. And as we worship we begin to recognise that everything comes from God and respond in gratitude and praise. It is something we are called to every day of our lives.
There isn't just one way to worship - we are all made differently and connect with God in different ways.
At St Michael's we offer to God different forms of worship that we hope will enable you to connect with Him.
8.30AM-9.30AM (2ND & 4TH SUNDAYS)
Start the day with breakfast (drinks, juice, cereal, pastries) and church in an informal café style way before heading off to participate in the various activities in the diary. Activities, songs, stories, prayers, games and a short talk are wrapped up in a theme for each all age service.
A traditional communion service that includes organ led hymns, prayers, sermon and communion. Children's activities available and refreshments are served after the service. (1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays) A more informal and interactive service with a mix of old and contemporary hymns and songs on the 3rd and 5th Sundays.
** (3.30pm (Nov-Mar) / 6pm (Apr-Oct))
1st Sunday - Come and Sing. An opportunity to learn new songs and hymns with refreshments.
2nd & 4th Sunday - Evening Prayer.
A quiet service following liturgy of Evening Prayer in different forms. (BCP, Common Worship, Celtic, Taizé).
3rd Sunday - Said Communion.
Our traditional communion service without music.
We all go through different challenges and at times need space to find healing and to take care of our wellbeing. On the fifth Sunday of the month we gather together to support one another and provide space for quiet, anointing with oil, prayer ministry and communion.
St Michael's Waddington Wild Church is not ‘normal church’ held outside. Rather it is a way of encountering God, the Divine Creator, through Creation. We meet outside in the Church grounds, and whenever a group of believers meet together the gathering is Church, and whenever we invite God into our midst Wild things can happen... Even more so when we are gathered in nature.
Wild Church and Contemplative Fire are led by Melanie Carroll. Her details are on the Who's Who page.
contemplative fire
Contemplative Fire Lincs provide opportunities for personal and group experience based around the ethos. Through creative activity, contemplative considerations and contemplation (prayer) stations, or occasionally in thoughtful study and engaged learning through talks and conversations. It is inclusive and open to all people both near or far, of any tradition, or just spiritually journeying.
To find out more, please check out the Contemplative Fire website:
For further information, please feel free to contact us. We'll be glad to assist you!
please note our administrator is part time, so the phone is not manned 24/7
St Michael's Church is covered by CCTV for the protection of our staff and congregation.
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