
As a local church, we aim to take the practical steps necessary to realise the Fifth Mark of Mission, which is “to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and to sustain the life of the earth”.

We all have a special responsibility to protect and care for the Earth so that human life and all God’s creatures may be sustained in harmony. Our planet is a precious gift from God. We are committed to being responsible stewards of the environment and integrating sustainable practices into every aspect of our church life including our worship, teaching, mission, pastoral, youth and children’s work, training,

administration, and charitable giving.

We are proud to be a Silver Eco Church.

Our wonderful Wild Church celebrated its second birthday in March 2025.

wild church


St Michael's Waddington Wild Church is not ‘normal church’ held outside. Rather it is a way of encountering God, the Divine Creator, through Creation. We meet outside in the Church grounds, and whenever a group of believers meet together the gathering is Church, and whenever we invite God into our midst Wild things can happen... even more so when we are gathered in nature. For more information, please contact Mel.

what are we doing?

To be more eco friendly, we have changed our toilet roll, kitchen towel and hand towels to The Cheeky Panda.

We take part in Fairtrade Fortnite.

We are a Silver Eco Church under

 A Rocha UK.

We created an Environmental Action Group that meets regularly to discuss and enact ways for us to be more eco friendly.

Our next meeting is on Monday 10th March 2024.

what can you do?

Consider how you get to church.

If you drive, could you car share with another member of the congregation? Could you get the bus? Or could you walk or use a bicycle?

Consider the items you use around your home.
Are there more environmentally friendly alternatives?

Do you use a reusable shopping bag when buying your groceries?

Actively pray for the environment.

When donating food items to St Michael's Church, all are welcome, but we would appreciate it if you please try and use our LOAF policy (link below).

God gave us one world to live in. We should treat it well.

Take the WWF's Footprint Calculator.

Church Environmental Policy

Locally sourced, Organic, Animal Friendly and Fairly Traded (LOAF) Policy