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Known as the occasional offices, these important life events are a major part of the local church as it seeks to serve the community. Many families choose to mark siginificant family occasions with a church service. This can be a good opportunity to give thanks to God in times of joy, to seek his peace and comfort in times of difficulty and to worship him together.
To make an enquiry about having a christening, wedding or funeral at St Michael's Church contact the parish administrator.
A Christening is just the beginning of an exciting journey of faith. Baptism (the event that takes place) is where we welcome a person into the family of God’s people, and rejoice in God’s saving grace through Jesus Christ. People can be baptised at any age, from a few moments after birth (usually only in emergencies) right up to old age.
Most baptisms in this parish take place in special baptism services on Sunday afternoons, though from time to time we conduct a baptism during the main 10.30am Sunday Morning Service.
There is no charge for a Baptism service.
Before a person can arrange a baptism in this parish, they (if they are old enough) or their parents, are asked to attend a preparation class. The preparation meeting allows us to explain and discuss what baptism means and what Christians believe and are intended to help families and/or candidates to decide whether baptism is appropriate in their own case, and - if so - how to fulfil the promises that will be made.
Many couples choose to celebrate their marriage not only surrounded by family and friends but also before God in a church building.
St Michael's Church is available to couples for marriage, and also for services of Blessing following a Civil Marriage (or, perhaps, a marriage abroad). We also offer other related services, for instance Renewal of Vows to mark an Anniversary, the Dedication of New Rings, or to ask God's blessing following a difficult time in a relationship.
There is considerable flexibility in terms of the music and readings for services and there are opportunities for photography and video recording both inside and outside the building.
Christian marriage, as well as being a holy occasion (a Sacrament) is also a legal contract governed by the "Law of the Land". The rules say that anyone* who lives in the Parish or who worships regularly here may choose to be married in one of the churches in the Parish. Recent changes in the law mean that other people who have a qualifying connection with the Parish are also able to be married here (to check the qualifying criteria please see this document. Criteria
Services of Blessing and Dedication (either immediately following a marriage elsewhere, or at a later date) do not have the same "legal" status and are available to all who have a connection with the Parish or its Churches.
Calling of Banns
Those who are marrying in another Church of England church and need Banns of Marriage calling in this Parish should contact the church office to make the necessary arrangements.
When experiencing bereavement, many people look to the Church's ministry for comfort and reassurance.
Prior to or shortly after a death.
If you would like a priest to visit someone who is dying (or has just died) - please contact the Parish Priest on
01522 883325.
The Funeral
Ministers from the church are privileged to be asked to conduct funeral services for those who live in the parish or who have a connection with it. Funeral services may take place in the church or in the Chapel at the Local Authority Crematorium and Cemetery.
When someone dies it is usual to make the funeral arrangements through a local Undertaker (Funeral Director) who will then, after a meeting with the family, contact one of the parish ministers.
Memorial Service
From time to time we are also asked to take Memorial Services (for example, when someone local has died elsewhere and people have been unable to attend the funeral). In this instance, it is more usual and convenient for relatives to contact the parish clergy directly.
A service is held each year in at St Michael’s Church, Waddington (near the beginning of November) which gives us the opportunity to remember those who have died, and anyone would be very welcome to attend. Details are published nearer the time.
For further information, please feel free to contact us. We'll be glad to assist you!
please note our administrator is part time, so the phone is not manned 24/7
St Michael's Church is covered by CCTV for the protection of our staff and congregation.
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